After long hours looking over and editing, A Sibling Secret is finally complete. If any of you read the former competition edition on ImpregNation, you'll find this one slightly different than before. For those of you who haven't read it before, you're in for a treat: It is the story of Kit, a college student returned home to visit her family and especially her dear brother Thomas. Sneaking in her college boyfriend late one night for a sultry rendezvous, she discovers her frustrated debauchery has been witnessed by her younger sibling. Soon Kit learns her little brother harbors more than just familial love for his big sister, and what transpires late that night between them is the kind of secret that only siblings can keep.
One of my very first and perhaps most treasured erotic stories that got me into impregnation and breeding was an incest story between a brother and sister. Though in that story the brother managed to knock up a girl before going after his sister, A Sibling Secret reflects a few memorable phrases that story had amid a very different plot. It was a delight to write, and so without further adieu I present A Sibling Secret for all to enjoy.
A Sibling
Kit nudged open the front door, exhausted
but pleased. It had been a long day, and after all the stores and appointments
she looked forward to just relaxing the rest of the evening. Laden with
shopping bags she bumped the door quietly shut with her back, not wanting to
wake the rest of her family. Sneaking in late at night wasn’t a problem for Kit
– she’d done it many times before, and with more incriminating companions than
cans of soup. She didn’t make a sound as she laid down the groceries and
tip-toed into the livingroom.
Thomas was waiting for her. Well, to a
degree. The highschooler was passed out on the couch, his scrawny limbs dimly
lit by the flickering of the tv’s static. Kit covered her laugh. Her younger
brother was so worried about her, about the doctor’s visit today, that he’d
tried his best to stay up despite himself.
“He never was an all-nighter kind of
guy…” she hummed to herself, sneaking up beside him. His sandy-brown hair
matched her own, though hers went halfway down her back. People often said they
could tell immediately they were brother and sister, and it really showed. It
might make things a bit difficult after graduation, considering what Kit
learned today. But for right now he slept, attentively awaiting his dear
sister’s return in his dreams.
Kit carefully slid onto the couch and
slipped the remote from his loose hand. The static flickered off, and everything
quieted again. The place was just like it was a few months ago when she had
snuck her boyfriend into the house while their parents were gone. Just two
young bodies pressed close on the black cushioned couch, overlooked by the
upstairs ledge and stairs. All alone. Thomas yawned and stretched, brushing his
hand along his sister. His fingers stopped just above her lap, and it sent a
chill up Kit’s spine – a light touch, just like the night they found out how
they really felt about one another.
Things turned out differently than she
had planned for sure, but as for how it turned out…
Four Months Ago
The front door swung open as the two
college students stumbled inside, too busy kissing to be subtle. Kit and her
boyfriend Allan had been going steady for a few months, and things were just
really starting to heat up. At college they’d gone at it a few times already,
but being back home made such naughty excursions almost impossible.
Not today though. Kit’s parents were off
on a business trip and only her little brother Thomas remained home. Tonight
he’d be studying for his finals, which Kit knew meant he’d be out like a light
by midnight. And that meant she and Allan could have fun however they pleased.

“Mmm, god Allan,” Kit whispered when she
could catch a breath, “I’ve missed this so much…” She nuzzled her hips towards
him while stroking his naked flanks.
“Oh yeah, I can tell,” He replied,
nipping her neck, “Think you’ll scream for me tonight, Kit?”
“Mmm-mmm,” Kit shook her head, “My brother
is still here. We can’t be too loud, remember?”
“What? I thought you said you had this
place to yourself tonight.”
“I do, I do. It’s just my parents that
are gone though. Thomas should be asleep now. He’s been – mmm – studying for tests,” Kit arched up to meet her boyfriend’s
hand, the one that slipped up under her bra and shucked it from her tits. “But
we’ve got to be quiet, okay? Oh just like that Allan…”
“You say that, but you’re the one moaning
so loud,” the boy smirked and kept teasing Kit’s little nipple, tugging on the
small pink nub just like he knew she couldn’t resist. “Maybe we’ll give a show
for your little bro, hmmm? Show him what a horny slut his sister really is.”
“Allan!” Kit hissed through her teeth,
“Don’t say that!”
“Say what? That your brother would love
to get a piece of his horny big sister?” Allan laughed. Kit scowled.
“I love Thomas, but not like that. Don’t
say things like that! Just… ooh, just
fuck me Allan!”
“Shhh, we don’t want to wake up your
little bro now, right? He’ll have to miss out while I fuck his big sister…”
Allan slid Kit’s panties down to mid-thigh, not bothering to take them off her
before the familiar crunch and crinkling of the condom wrapper filled the
silence. Foreplay never was something Allan wasted time with.
“He’s not little. He’s graduating in just
a month…” Kit mumbled to herself, laying under her occupied boyfriend. It
wasn’t worth getting into an argument over, despite the instinctive desire to
do just that. Thomas was a good guy, sometimes too good. She had to defend him
in elementary and middle school from his tormenters who always called him
‘Kit’s Cat’ and ‘Tom Thumb’ for being small. But in high school he outgrew
those names and even his big sister, and she wasn’t short by a long shot. But
he always had called her ‘Big Sis’, and he still did…
“Ahhh, there,” Allan said finally, stroking
his wrapped-up cock a few times before recalling Kit her from her memories. “Yeahhh,
time to show you what your brother only wishes he could do.” The dark room hid Kit’s
frown, but it melted away when Allan’s hot member slid between her folds.
“Ohh god…” Kit moaned as quietly as she
could, “Please… please go slow. I don’t want to wake-” Allan cut her off by
driving hard into her. Kit hardly bit back her yelp as his condom-smoothed cock
jammed inside her. His cotton boxers chaffed against her sensitive mound, and
his loud grunting both enraged and aroused her.
“Q-quiet! Oh, ooh, oh!” The couch’s leather squeaked as Allan’s force nudged her
forward bit by bit. Kit grit her teeth, trying to keep quiet and to bite back
the pain of his rough pounding, but her moaning still slipped past her lips. “If Thomas is awake…” She thought, “He’ll know what’s happening down here for
“Like that, huh?” Allan growled, ramming
harder into the squirming girl.
“Ummm, oooh, not – not so hard Allan.” Kit looked up at his hard face,
wondering if he could see her bitten lip and clenching eyes. Probably he couldn’t,
but still she gently tried to push his hips back.

“Well?” Allan huffed, “Come on – ride me
like a good cowgirl.” She wondered if she really was that lucky…
“Let me just cover up first…”
“What if Thomas sees?”
“Then he’ll know his sister has bangin’
“I’ve got to be careful in case he wakes
up,” she reached for her bra, but Allan grabbed her wrist and held her down.
“Nu-uh. I want to see these bouncing just
for me, babe.” His other hand fondled her bare breasts. She knew he loved them
– he said they were her best features. He palmed her firm tits, letting them
overflow around his fingers, as if weighing and appraising them just as he had
done every time her shirt came off. Kit wasn’t so sure, but the look on Allan’s
face told her she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.
So she slipped off her panties entirely and
inched forward to straddle his hips. Grabbing the base of his cock, she guided
it into her waiting pussy. She tossed her head back and groaned as she slowly
sunk down till his balls nudged her bare ass.
“Yeahhh, that’s good…” Allan groaned,
petting his girlfriend’s ample hips, “Now show me why you’re my bitch, Kit.”
Cautiously, Kit began to post up and
down. Lifting her ass and sinking back down made her pussy tighten and quiver
so much better than Allan’s ramming. But instead of focusing on the pleasure,
she glanced at the upstairs banister. It was too dark to see much, but Thomas’s
room was the first door on the left. Door closed and light off, but still Kit
worried. Every downward slide shook her breasts, a sheen sweat gleaming from
them in the dim moonlight. Normally she’d never take such a risk, but she had
been without Allan for so long, and she always got so horny around this time of
the month. She didn’t want sex - she needed it.
“Mmmmm, finally getting into it are you?”
Kit leaned forward just so, gripping his hard chest and letting her hips work
his cock. She didn’t answer – just thrust her chest out over her boyfriend’s
face and tantalized him with those low-hanging fruits, yearning to be picked.
He didn’t pick at all though. Rather he
just reclined his head against his folded arms as she pumped faster and faster
on him. Finally the girl felt the beginnings of that familiar knot tightening
deep inside her stomach.
“Ahhh yesss,” She hissed, tossing her
long hair and arching up against him. Her whole body tensed, readying for what
she’d been craving for weeks. She was almost there. Allan got there first.
“Oh shit babe, I’m gonna cum!”

“Nooo…” Kit mewled, grinding her hips on
her boyfriend futilely, trying to bring herself off. But he grasped her hips
tight, cock still twitching and pumping uselessly inside her. The tightening
knot in her belly loosened, and soon all that was left was Kit’s panting and
Allan’s satisfied groan.
yeah, that was good baby,” Allan sighed, giving her a little thrust from below.
The condom caught all, but even the warmth of his load radiating from it didn’t
do anything for Kit’s desperation.
“I was so close…” Kit moaned. She grated
on him, milking his softening cock inside her tight pussy, struggling to revive
Allan’s shrinking member. Lifting her he grabbed the base of his cock and
slipped the condom off.
“What’s that look for?” He said when he
finally stopped groaning and opened his eyes, “I thought you were cumming with
me, fucking and groaning on me like that.”
“Weren’t you listening to me? I told you
to stop but you came anyway!” Kit leered down at him with clenched fists.
“When you grind on my dick like that, you
know I can’t stop. Don’t blame me.” Allan casually rolled Kit onto the couch
and started pulling his boxers back on.
pulled me down!” Kit hissed through her teeth, “I tried to stop, but you wouldn’t let me!”
“God damn it Kit! I don’t get what your
problem is. You were horny, we fucked, and now you’re mad? What the fuck did I
“You-! Whatever. I don’t want to do this
here.” Kit covered herself up with her arms while she groped for her clothes.
Allan was already dressed by the time she abandoned the search and stood up.
“Where are you going?” Allan asked.
“To my room. Probably to get off like you
just did.”
“Fine then, I’m not fucking dealing with
this again.” Allan threw on his coat and tromped out, leaving the front door
wide open in the cold night air. Kit charged the door, raging as his engine
roared to life.
“You forgot your condom, asshole!” She reeled
back and threw the spent condom at his smug face behind the wheel. But her
gooey missile missed entirely, arching over the car and flying into the black
unknown. She had imagined it splattering like a water balloon all over his
windshield, but at least it wasn’t around to remind her of the selfish dick who
made it.
It was only after the headlights disappeared
around the corner when Kit realized she was standing naked on her porch,
yelling and throwing condoms into the night. She couldn’t have run faster the
way she backpedaled then, face getting even hotter as the rest of shivered from
the cold. She breathed hard, fisting away salty tears and gulping back the sobs
when she heard a shuffling.
Kit froze, then whipped around and crept
back into the livingroom. She arrived just in time to see Thomas’s door close nearly
“Did he see that? Did he see me? Oh god!
How much did he see!?” Panicked, Kit crawled to her panties and bra and
threw them on before sneaking upstairs. How much had her brother seen? She
couldn’t know. Maybe he woke up just at the end and didn’t see anything? Kit tried
to convince herself that was it, but her heart seized when she heard her name
through his door. Hardly breathing or moving, she knelt down and peeked into
his room.

“You deserve better than that, Kitty.”
Kit recoiled and tensed to leap back. But
he didn’t turn. Instead he continued muttering, “You always bring back guys
like that. Why? Why do you always sell yourself short? God damn it sis…” He rolled
onto his back, and Kit glimpsed the picture in his hands. It was her.
It hit her. Kit took a closer look into
his room and found herself in every photo lying around. Some were normal, her
smiling with friends or posing for the camera. But the most worn of them were different:
One taken at the beech a few years ago when she got a new string bikini. Another
when she dressed up for Halloween as a pirate wench, skimpiness flaunted. And
then there was one of her just coming out of the shower, towel just barely
covering her still-dripping body. That last one could only have been taken from
Thomas’s doorway.
Kit’s heart started pounding. “Why… why does he have all these…?” The
more she looked the more secretly-taken pictures she discovered. Many of them
showed off her casual dress in the house, the big t-shirts hardly covering her
panties and the sports bras with workout shorts. Thomas had been taking them
all these years, she realized – he always carried his camera around and
developed lots of great pictures, but he never mentioned the ones now strewn
about his room.
“Kitty…” Thomas sighed, commanding Kit’s
eyes back to her brother. He had called her Kitty since he was little, and he
was the only one that Kit allowed to do that. He engrossed himself in a
particularly worn picture in his one hand, but where his other one was Kit
couldn’t see. That is, until he pulled back the sheet.
“Mmmm,” Kit’s brother groaned, stroking
his cock to his big sister’s picture. Kit’s mouth fell open – Thomas thought that way about her!? Thankfully her
voice froze along with the rest of her, so Thomas kept stroking his hardening
cock and staring at Kit’s picture. “I’d be so much better to you, sis…” he
murmured, his precum shimmering and dripping down his knuckles. He had been
masturbating for awhile.
“That fucker!” Kit screamed in
her mind, “How can he say that!?” Kit
had half a mind to bash open the door and beat his senses back into him, but
she couldn’t. She couldn’t move from the spot, or even close her gaping mouth.
Her eyes trained on her little brother, particularly on his far-from-little
cock as he coaxed it to life.
“What a fucker!” Thomas growled, fist gripping
around his shaft, “He didn’t even care about her. Didn’t even try to feel up
Kitty’s thighs… her pussy…” His pumping milked another bead of precum from his
engorged member. Kit watched transfixed as it spilled down his shaft. “I bet he
never even ate her out… none of them did. Sis would taste so… sweet…”
This wasn’t real. Kit rooted to the spot,
listening to her little brother say such dirty things about her. Things he
shouldn’t have known. It was true none of her boyfriends ever offered to go
down on her, and she honestly thought she didn’t want them to. But when Thomas
said it like he did, with that lusty growl in his voice, anger flared up in
Kit’s chest at all her ex’s for never trying. But her brother… He wanted to. He
wanted to taste his big sister.

Kit found her hand in her panties before
she knew what she was doing. Allan left her hot, but Thomas was making her boil
over. A part of her demanded she stop. She knew how wrong it was to get turned
on by her own brother, but she couldn’t help herself! Her panties were soaked –
Allan didn’t even have that effect on her when he was fucking her. But her
little brother did, just with his words. And his cock. She’d seen bigger and
smaller before, but none in her eyes were as mesmerizing as Thomas’s cock while
his hand polished over it.
“God bro…” she breathed hotly, wondering
what it would be like…
Thomas seized up and whipped towards the
now wide-open door, “Wha - S-Sis!?”
His eyed fixed on Kit’s, and time stopped. Kit’s hand ceased burying itself in
her panties, and Thomas’s hand petrified around his twitching cock. Neither
moved, as if the scene would go unseen by them both.
Finally Thomas took the initiative,
“Kitty! What the hell – what are you doing there!?” He threw his sheets on, as
if he could still hide the fact that he was wanking to his sister. It didn’t
help that he dropped the photo he was staring at onto his lap. Kit stood up and
recovered her hand from her moist panties.
“Um…” she said, “I heard something, so I
came to… came to…” She shook her head to stop herself from staring at his cock tenting
the sheets. Regaining her composure her hot flush of anger revived all at once.
“I mean, what do you mean ‘What the hell’? What the hell is all this!?” She
threw her arms out over the picture-strewn room. Thomas shoved what he could
back into the box, but the damage was already done.
“I – I uh, I was-” he stammered,
shoveling pictures wildly. Kitty stomped forward.
“They’re all of me, huh!? God damn it
Thomas! When did you take all these?”
“Here and there… I guess… Hey!” Kit
snatched up the one he was staring at so intently before he could stop her,
determined to see just what a pervert her brother really was.
It showed her laying passed out on the
couch downstairs, her shirt bunched up under her breasts and shorts crumpled
from a night of partying. Her hair splayed out every way underneath her, and
she was fast asleep. That was all – it wasn’t even revealing beyond that, and
its focus was on her peaceful face, a little smile crossing her slightly-open
She remembered that night in bits and
snatches. When she was a senior in highschool she snuck home after getting
really hammered, and must have crashed on the couch. When she awoke the next
morning, she found herself covered up in one of her soft blankets. She thought
it was her parents who did that, until they found her and naturally chewed her
out for being so irresponsible. All these years she believed she simply forgot
wrapping herself up that night, but the blanket wasn’t anywhere near her in the

“You… took this?” Kit asked.
“Can I have it back?” Thomas didn’t lift
his head.
“Why… why not one of these?” She lifted
up one where she was just out of the shower, the towel only barely hiding her
bare body from the eye of the camera. “I mean, you were looking for something
sexy… right?”
Thomas breathed deep and spoke to the
covers, “Those ones… could be anyone. I’ve got lots more like them. But I
wanted… I wanted to see my sis, not anyone else. You’re -” Thomas looked up,
but was stopped from the look on Kit’s face. “I’m sorry! I’ll get rid of it. It
wasn’t right of me, I…”
“Stop it.” Kit said. Thomas quieted down.
Being a big sister had its perks and Kit took full advantage of them, “You were
getting off to this? My face?”
“Y-yes – but no! It’s not just your face,
it’s… uh… you.” Thomas always talked
in artsy nonsense when he got flustered, but Kit felt it this time – like it
wrapped around her heart, making her want to breathe in deep to give it room.
“I… I saw that guy.” Thomas clenched his jaw, but quickly stopped, “I mean your
boyfriend. And he –”
“Ex-boyfriend now,” Kit corrected.
“I kinda figured,” Thomas said, “But I
saw you two… And he didn’t give a shit about you, Kitty. He didn’t even care
that he was hurting you, or that he wasn’t pleasing you! And it made me so… so
“You jack off when you’re mad?”
“No!” Thomas retorted, “Well, not
usually. But I saw you when you were on top, the way your face looked before he
fucked it up, and you were so beautiful and sexy and – and it just made me mad
that it wasn’t me with you!” Thomas paused before his face fell again, “Er,
wait – oh fuck. Wait wait, I meant to say that I, you…”
“Shhh,” Kit said, stepping towards her
brother, “It’s fine. I get it.”
“You… you do?”
“Yeah, I do,” She climbed onto the bed.
“Wait, sis-?”
“Shhh, it’s okay little bro,” she pulled
back the sheet and straddled his hips. Thomas’s blush spread through his cheeks
like wildfire as his half-naked sister leaned over him, and he fought in vain
to keep his eyes from roving over his gorgeous sister’s body.
“K-Kitty? What are you do-?”
“Shh! Jeez Thomas, do I have to spell it
out for you?” Kit edged her hips down and met his. The moment she felt his
half-hard cock nestle along her thin panties, a hot shock electrified up her
spine. Thomas groaned with his wide-eyes trained on hers, and when she caught her
breath she looked back down.
“I’ve never thought about you like this
before, Thomas. I mean it. But when I saw all this… When I heard you saying
those things about me, your big sister…” The phrase made her heart skip a beat,
“I… well, I liked it.”
“Liked… it?” Thomas asked in a small

“Liked… how?”
“Oh my god Thomas! Like this!” Kit clued in
her clueless brother by grinding her soaking crotch over his member. He stiffened
and let out a yelp that degenerated into a moan. Kit wasn’t immune herself –
she felt her brother’s cock grow taut and jut against her, and she bit back a
moan herself. “You turned me on, idiot!”
- I did?” Kit didn’t stop, and Thomas couldn’t hide his pleasure from her.
“Does it feel like you did? Ohh,” Kit angled herself so his cock
nudged her panty-covered clit.
“Oh god Kitty – you’re so wet!”
“You made me like this bro,” his breathy
sibling replied, “Now do you get it?”
“Y-yeah, oh god…” Thomas arched up, pressing harder against his sister’s eager
snatch. Kit pressed back. Another strange shockwave possessed her. She wanted
more. No – needed more.
“But it’s Thomas…” one part of her
said, “You can’t fuck your brother. It’s so
wrong!” But her body screamed otherwise. Thomas tore her between being the
responsible big sister she was supposed to be and the horny young woman she knew
she was. She couldn’t decide, even while teasing her little brother till his bare
cock plowed along her silky panties like a spade.
“Sis, ughhh,”
Thomas arched again, “Are we going to…”
“I… ohh…
I don’t know… Maybe we should-”
“Kitty!” Thomas gasped to cut her off,
“Let me taste you!” Kit’s heart flipped in her chest. The request stopped her
hips dead where they were. She sat stunned, feeling her pussy spiking with
heat. Now was the time to be a good sister and stop before their act went any
“Umm… Okay.”
That wasn’t doing the right thing!” Kit’s mind screeched, but she was
already rolling onto her back. Her mind raced as the sheets rustled beneath
them, and while she was still reeling from it all her little brother was
looking down at his nearly-naked sister. More than looking – feeling. Feeling
all along her bare arms, her shoulders, her chest…
“Can I…?” Thomas tentatively fingered the
straps of her bra.
“Yes...” Kit breathed. Her chest heaved
as she tried to catch her breath, but Thomas deftly unfastened the front anyway
and slowly opened her up. It was chillier than in the living room, but the heat
from Thomas’s palms quickly warmed her soft breasts. He handled them so gently,
as if he thought they would break – petting and caressing, and pressing his
fingers just so. It felt good, and soon Kit let out a bated breath and allowed
her body to entice her brother’s hands.
Thomas breathed deep, focused entirely on
his sister’s bare chest. “God sis, they’re beautiful,” he murmured, petting
along her bell-shaped globes.
“Mmm, that’s good…” Kit stretched and
relaxed. She didn’t realize how tense she was before from Thomas getting on top
of her. But he wasn’t like Allan. Not at all.
“You know,” she said, “they’re not going
to pop or anything. You can be a little more – ohhhh!” Thomas didn’t hesitate in palming her firm pillows,
gripping and sliding from base to tip. Nor did he wait long before tonguing her
hardening nipples. Allan hardly ever did that, and definitely not as hungrily
as Thomas. Only a few seconds of it and she was already hooked.
“Y-yeah, just like that…” Kit found herself rubbing her thighs, not knowing what to do
with her hands. She didn’t want to distract him, not when his tongue swirled so
nicely around one taut breast after the other. His lips smacked on her skin,
suckling, tasting. Just as she really was getting into it, her nipple popped
out from his eager lips, and her little brother started kissing down her ribs…
“Ooooh god Thomas, that felt so…” But
this felt good too, Kit thought. Her sibling’s tongue danced over her belly,
tracing the subtle curves of her toned midsection, slipping around her little
belly button, and then teasing the borderline of her panties. When she felt his
teeth rake along the silky material, she gushed a little as her pussy quivered.
“Thomas, have you done this before?” She
watched her brother’s head migrate while he tugged her panties down.
“Just a few times,” he said before
planting more kisses on Kit’s trimmed mound.
“What? I thought you didn’t
have a girlfriend…” Thomas had troubles getting good girlfriends. Kit watched a
small parade of them while she was living at home, and not one of them lasted
more than a month. They were never good enough for her brother though.
“Umm… parties…” Thomas answered
distractedly – Kit’s moist panties clung to her mid-thighs, and her little
brother’s hot breath breezed over her bare pussy. She shaved just for tonight,
giving herself a trimmed landing strip above her well-waxed sex. No doubt he
could see how wet she was now being so close. That thought make the knot in
Kit’s stomach tighten.
“How – how many girls?” Kit breathed,
staring down at her little brother between her legs.
“I don’t know... Uhh, three. Maybe four…
I was kind of… distracted,” he slid her panties off entirely and spread her
legs. His big sister didn’t resist. Suddenly Kit felt embarrassed – none of her
boyfriends ever got so close to her pussy like this. The longer Thomas waited
the more nervous she became. After a few moments of lip-biting she spoke up.
“I’m sorry if it isn’t… I mean, I wasn’t
expecting Allan to-” But she couldn’t finish before Thomas pressed his lips to
her moist sex. Kit gasped and couldn’t stop a squeal from breaking out. The
jolt that ran through her caught her off guard, but Thomas didn’t let up.
Slowly he wrapped his arms around her hips and kissed all along her slit, his
tongue snaking out to taste his sister’s forbidden flower.
“Fuck! This is… why didn’t I ask for this
before?” The
girl couldn’t help but squeeze her little brother’s head between her thighs.
His tongue felt like nothing she’d ever experienced: He was the first to taste her
like that. The first – her little brother. Thomas slipped his tongue into her
tightness, and Kit squirmed beneath him. “Thomas
is eating me out,” she thought, “My
little brother is eating me out…!” The dirtiness of it all ignited inside
her, and she gripped her brother’s messy hair hard, and pulled him closer.
“Oh fuck bro!” Kit wailed, thrashing her
hips after just a few minutes, “So good! Mmmm!”
Long laps and tiny lashings – back and forth her brother’s tongue punished her
pussy, making her gush against his face. His fingers joined in, two sinking
into her tight channel, and Kit felt the knot ready to burst inside her. “Yes!
Yes yes yes – lick me bro! God yes!!”
The girl tightened and tensed and without more warning let loose her long pent-up
orgasm. Arching her back and gripping his head tight, Kit creamed and watched
stars dance along the dark ceiling well after her tremors calmed down into her afterglow’s
Only then did she relax her thighs and
let her hands drop to the bed. Thomas breathed hard, shaking too. Kit dully
wondered if she’d suffocated him when she came, but he breathed in deep between
her thighs before speaking up.
“Better… Better than I thought… God…” He licked her still-quivering lips,
along her slit in one long motion, and Kit yelped and bucked from the pleasure.
“How… better…?” Kit panted. Her brother stared
up at her with a look she’d never seen before. She shivered.
“You taste so fucking good, sister,” he growled. Kit lost her
breath again. She’d always seen her little brother as a gentle person, kind and
a little bit shy. But that person was gone now. There was something feral about
him now. His eyes leered into hers, his face shimmering in the faint moonlight
with beaded sweat and her still-warm juices. He crawled up on top of her,
keeping her legs spread with his knees. His iron-hard cock brushed along her flat
“Have a taste,” Kit nearly choked when
she felt her brother’s lips press against hers. They were soft and wet – wet
from her moist pussy’s cum. And she tasted strange – she’d never tasted herself
before, but either from the flavor or because she tasted it on her own
brother’s lips, she loved it. He gripped her head and kissed her hard, and she
opened her mouth to let him in. He toyed inside her mouth just as he had done
to her pussy, and she sucked her own cum from his tongue. She floated there,
lost in the feeling of her brother’s lips and hands on breasts as he ground himself
along the line of her tummy.
How long they made out like that, Kit
didn’t know. They only stopped for breath when their dry humping became wet,
when Thomas’s bare cock moved down and sawed between his sister’s wet folds in
their heated kiss. Kit played her fingers along his back while they both
panted, aroused beyond imagination.
“Oh my god Thomas,” Kit’s eyes fluttered
open after they broke apart, “I’ve never been kissed like that before… Why
don’t you have a girlfriend? Fuck, why don’t you have a dozen?”
“Because…” Thomas said, pausing a moment but
only slowing his dangerous grinding a bit, “I guess because they never measured
up to my big sister. That’s all.”
Kit smiled. She felt proud: Proud as a
big sister for being so important to him, but also proud as a woman who beat
out all the others in his eyes. Her brother’s eyes… She stared into them. They
were blue, just like hers. They both got it from their mother, and least that’s
what Dad told them. Now she was staring into her brother’s eyes as his sweat-slick
body rubbed against hers and his naked cock teased her tight opening.
“Oh brother, I love you…” Kit sighed.
Then she realized the problem. “Oh, wait – Thomas, do you have a condom?”
“I… I didn’t think of that,” Her brother
replied, “I’ve never… I mean, I haven’t gotten this far before with anyone.”
“You’re a virgin?”
“But you were fingering and eating out
girls till you lost count?”
“That’s the gist of it.”
Kit could hardly believe her little
brother hadn’t lost it yet, especially after the magic his tongue worked on
her. She couldn’t hide her grin as she petted down his tense back.
“That’s okay bro.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh yeah. Just means your big sister is
going to take her little brother’s virginity,” Her giggle warped into a little
satisfied moan as she felt Thomas’s thick cock twitch against her pussy.
“What about the condom? Are you safe sis?”
“No, not right now. Definitely not right
now. But you’ll have to learn how to pull out sometime. Best to start with your
first time.” Kit knew today was among her worst days to be going bareback. But
her body wasn’t going to let her stop now, now with her brother’s cockhead catching
perilously on her soaking opening with every pass he made.
“Oh… okay then, I’ll pull out Kitty,” he
said, starting to pant again when Kit wrapped her fingers around his dick and
guided him towards her.
“That’s a good boy,” Kit purred and lined
him up between her folds, “Now be a good brother and sink nice and slow into
your big sis…” Her heart beat wildly as she said it. She’d never been so excited
before in her life, seeing her brother’s cock nudging her entrance. With her
heels spurring him on, he slowly pressed in.
“Ughhh, sis…” Thomas groaned, sinking his
virgin member into his sister.
“Yeah, yeah that’s it – mmmm! Keep going bro…” Kit watched his
grimace, his pleasure-twisted face as he stretched out the first pussy of his
life. His sibling’s pussy. And stretch he did – Kit instinctively tightened
around the invading flesh, capturing him in a hot velvet grasp. She’d only gone
bareback a few times before, but her brother’s bare cock beat them all.
Her little brother’s balls pressed
against her moist lips, and his pelvis rooted against hers. Thomas quivered and
moaned, and Kit could feel him already twitching hard deep inside her. He
filled her perfectly. Where others had come up short or been too long or thick,
her little brother fit her lock and key. Kit rounded her hips and Thomas
grunted and growled through his clenched teeth.
“Don’t,” he managed, “Move. Sis.”
going to cum right after being deflowered?” Kit grinned wide. Despite how
composed and suave he was masturbating, her pussy was almost too much for him
to take. She angled her hips up and down ever so slightly, just to keep her
brother on edge as he tried desperately not to fill her pussy right then.
“Stop mov- ugh god,” Thomas whispered in a husky voice.
“Make me,” Kit teased.
“Fine,” Thomas pressed down and pinned
her roving hips to the bed with his own. She tried to grind up on him still,
but his hands gripped her waist too tightly.
“Ooooh, brother…” Kit groaned, “You like
taking charge of me, don’t you?”
“… Yeah,” he said. He’d regained himself
in the meantime so that his tense shivers turned into a humming excitement.
“Then fuck me,” Kit licked her lips and
gripped his sides as she spoke so dirty. “Fuck your horny big sister.” This
time he didn’t wait. Before she could even finish he started, slow at first,
but more and more his strokes grew until the firm rhythm tattooed on her hips.
“Oh Thomas…” Kit murmured, digging her nails into his sides, “Harder… fuck me
He did as he was told, and did it gladly.
Kit realized where she was, in her parent’s house getting fucked by her little
brother on his bed. The fact that is was bareback made her moan even louder
when his thick cock kissed the depths of her pussy. The bed began to squeak
beneath them, and Kit’s voice grew louder with it.
“Yes! God, fuck me just like that, bro.
Fuck me!”
“You’re tight sis,” he grunted, plunging
in hard.
You’re so thick bro – ohhh…”
sis, I can’t hold on...”
“Let me get on top,” He was twitching hard
inside her, and even as he pulled out she felt his precum squirt onto her hot
pussy lips. Dangerous, Kit thought. She rubbed it into her pussy as she mounted
her brother, just like she had done for Allan a mere hour ago. But rubbing her
brother’s bare cock against her wet slit felt a thousand times better. It was
still twitching in her hand when she plunged down onto him.
“Ughh, sis… Be careful,” Thomas groaned,
arching back and hanging onto her hips as Kit slowly posted up and down on him.
“What’s that?” Kit said playfully,
“Little brother getting close? Going to cum so soon?”
“If you keep doing that…” he moaned. Kit
sat down on his lap and danced her hips about, keeping her brother’s cock
nestled deep inside her sex where it belonged.

“Watch me. Touch me,” Kit urged
breathlessly, starting her rhythm again. Thomas’s eyes trained on his devious
sister. Her fair skin glowed in the dark room, the shadows cast from the window
across her breasts and belly flickered back and forth as she pitched and rocked
on him. Kit watched her brother feel up her working hips to her undulating belly,
caressing every inch of her as if she were a dream that would disappear any
moment. His wild eyes made her tense again. She’d been building for so long
now, kept on edge by her brother’s near-misses and heavy jerking inside her.
Now she was ready to cum for her dear brother again.
Thomas wanted more too. He pulled against
her lower back and brought Kit low. Leaning over him now he planted his hands
firmly on her ass and kissed her hanging breasts like Allan refused to. Kit
moaned and offered herself, though her hips moved faster and faster as he
suckled his sister. Their hot breaths mingled, just like their sweat and cum, mixing
together between their bodies in their taboo act. Brother and sister drew
closer, and desire drove them towards the greatest taboo of all.
“God bro, fuck me!” Kit wailed. Her voice
filled the empty house, filled her brother’s ears. He grasped her hips and
thrust up into her wet pussy, adding to her cries the squelches of her wet cunt
taking his full length. “Thomas! I’m gonna cum soon – Ohhhh, I’m gonna cum on my brother’s cock!”
“Me too - Fuck! Sis, I’m gonna cum too.”
Kit’s heart pounded. Her nerves thundered.
Her pussy quaked. She felt her brother’s cock, his beautiful cock, jabbing deep
inside her, sheathing inside her so perfectly, so completely. She’d always
loved her brother, from the moment he was born she loved him. But now her love
grew beyond what she ever imagined it could be. She loved her brother like a
sister shouldn’t. Like she always wanted to, deep down.
“I love you bro! I love you so, so – Mmmm!” Sweat poured down between their
rutting bodies and Kit arched and howled as the tightness in her belly twinged
and threatened to snap any moment.
“I love you sis!” Thomas cried back,
“I’ve always loved you like this!”
His balls slapped her ass in his abandon, and he thrashed her soaking pussy.
They both felt his throbbing, her tightening, and knew it was now or never. Kit
didn’t stop posting when she held her brother’s face and stared into those
familiar eyes.
“Cum in me.”
“Kitty? But you’re -”
“Cum in me bro! I love you – I want you
to cum in me!”
“I can’t, ragh! – I can’t hold back sis! What if I get you-”
“You will! Ahhh! God you will! Yes!! Give
me your cum Thomas. Oooooh! Give me
your baby, bro!”
They came. Kit screamed and thrust down
just as Thomas rutted as deep as he could inside her unprotected body. Hot cum
erupted deep inside Kit, spraying her belly full of his brotherly seed. He grasped
her hips tight and held her still as she screamed and shook, keeping her pussy
gripping around the base of his cock as his balls launched all of his load against
her inner walls. Kit felt his potent sperm splash against her cervix and
wailed, another wave of her climax washing over her just from knowing her
little brother was filling her womb with his cum.

Eventually Kit rolled off to the side and
laid on the bed, still panting from their hot exchange. Thomas laid next to
her, staring up at the ceiling.
“Yeah, Thomas?”
“Are you… did you mean it? What you said
Kit thought on it. Risking that with her
brother was insane, sinful even. But at the same time… Kit ran her hand over
her belly, feeling it slowly lift and drop from her deep breathing. Below her
hand she could feel Thomas’s sperm, hot and thick, oozing inside her and
drooling out over her pussy lips like thick syrup. But so much more was right
in there, doing its work inside her sisterly womb.
“Well…” Kit said, still looking at her
belly, “…Yes.”
“Yes? To what?”
“All of it.” Kit rolled her head to the
side and met her brother’s gaze, “I love my little brother, more now than I
knew possible. And…” she stroked her flat belly, “I would have your baby in a
heartbeat, Thomas.”
“God…” Thomas stared at his sister, mouth
agape. Then it curled to a smile.
“I love you Sis.”
“I love you too, bro.” Kit smiled back
just as wide. Cuddling closer though, feeling his cum squishing out between her
thighs, she regained her naughty grin from before. “But you know Thomas…” she
“W-what? What’s wrong?” Thomas asked.
Kit wrapped a leg around his, rubbing her
messy pussy against his thigh as she whispered, “You’re going to have to give
me a lot more cum if we’re going to make a baby, dearest brother…”
Four Months Later
And he certainly did, all through the
summer. Kit nudged Thomas gently, trying to keep quiet as their parents slept
upstairs. Slowly his eyes opened, and he looked up hazily at his sister.
“Kitty? Oh hey, you’re back already…”
“Already? I’ve been out all day!” Kit
huffed. Thomas rubbed his eyes and sat up, though he kept his hand where it
was. He was looking there intently.
“So… what did they say?”
“Oh, the usual. Eat right, exercise,
brush my teeth. But then I had to take off my shirt and… well…”
“Well, they found this,” Kit stood up and
lifted her loose shirt. There, amid her toned and slim midsection, was the
slightest curve just below her navel. A little bump even? Thomas touched her
gently, running his hand over his sister’s belly while looking up at her.
“And? What did they say? Are you…?”
“They said she’ll look just like her
Daddy,” Kit grinned, watching Thomas’s eyes light up and his hand pet over his
baby nestled inside her belly, “At least, that’s what I bet they’ll say when
they find out.”
“Awww, what?” Thomas scowled, “What do
you mean? Are you pregnant or not?” He was staring at his sister’s tummy the
whole time, as if asking it for the answers. Kit giggled.
“That’s my little secret, bro,” Kit said,
smirking down at her frowning brother, “Pfft, you’ll find out soon, one way or
another. You have been fucking me without
a condom every night when Mom and Dad went to bed, you know.”
“Sometimes more than that,” Thomas
reminded. His palm circled that spot, right below my navel.
“Oh yeah… Well, I’m saying don’t worry –
we’ll be off to college next week, and you’ll be moving in with me.”
“But wasn’t I going to move in with-” Kit
gave him a look that cut his words off mid-stream. She arched her eyebrow and
rubbed her belly to give some added emphasis.
“Nope – you’re sticking with me, brother dear,” she said sternly, but her eyes betrayed her severity. “I’ll
have to make sure my younger brother does well in college while he’s trying to
knock his sister up, don’t I? And besides…” Kit peeled off her pants and smiled
devilishly, revealing her lacy thong to Thomas, whose cock was nearly bursting
from his pants already.
“Siblings know how to keep a little
secret, right?”
Crap ending.
ReplyDeleteAnother Ashley story please.
ReplyDeleteReally good story though the impregnation seemed a little rushed. Hope that you continue to write and hope that an Ashley chapter is coming soon. I hope some of my advice was helpful.
ReplyDeleteMore please write more make a sequel to this pleaae
ReplyDeleteA very good Story keep writing.
ReplyDeleteLove to read more about her pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteMy sister and I love reading these fantasy stories. It's getting harder and harder to keep telling ourselves it's just a fantasy.
ReplyDeleteWell tonight we let ourselves to give in to those fantasies. Oh my goodness I can believe how great it was taking her virginity. Not only that she let me cum in her.what a experience.
Did you get your sister pregnant? Or are you two trying?
DeleteI'm personally with my 42 year old widowed mom and she's 6 months pregnant with our baby; we don't know the gender. We want to be surprised.
Enjoyable story!