So let us begin with a review of Impregnation Erotica's very first partnered site, WarmKiss.

The last time I reviewed WarmKiss was way back in May of this year, and the link to that still-relevant site review can easily be found here. There have been a few developments since that point. First, site troubles and other scheduling difficulties made new shoots difficult to film during the summer and fall, so at this current juncture there are not many new videos available from the library present half a year ago.
However, that does not mean those at WarmKiss have been idle! Behind-the-scenes casting and filming have been occurring fairly regularly, and new scenes are in the process of being filmed. Website updates in formatting and layout are being planned, and once implemented will make navigation far easier and allow for more interesting updates like regular Site News podcasts, behind-the-scenes footage, sexy-education sections, expanded picture galleries, and more.
And WarmKiss has a new video addition to its library to prove that point. Reagan and her boyfriend make a cute couple, and in this hot sample you can see just how a real couple actually fuck. A little whispering, hand grasping, small laughs, little admonishments, eye gazing... Basically the things WarmKiss is known for and that which I love: Good-looking authentic amateur sex. They even have a lover's 'you're in trouble' discussion when he decided to cum as deep as he could inside her, and as she admitted after she wasn't on any birth control. Not something you'd see in a mainstream porno, that's for sure!
Here's a custom-made preview of it just for you viewers of Impregnation Erotica. And remember there are previews for the rest of their videos available for free on the site itself for your viewing pleasure. Stay tuned for more updates on these guys - I'll be sure to let you all know when the site gets upgraded and the videos really begin to flow from the halls of WarmKiss! It'll definitely be worth checking out then.
Lelu Love
Ah, Lelu Love. I sing her praises pretty often on this blog, and you know why? Because it is easy! Lelu was willing to offer a free sponsorship to The ImpregNation when I, a stranger then, simply asked her if she would want to help out somehow with the competition. And not only did she offer her sponsorship then, but immediate became a member there and showed the denizens of ImpregNation one of the first impregnation-themed films she had made - for free! And just recently when I approached her about having ad space here with her site, she not only agreed but provided me with the very picture I requested from her - pose, board, and all - and isn't she absolutely lovely when promoting this site?
What is most important however is that since that first endeavor into the rarely-explored impregnation-themed film, Lelu has been getting request after request for more pregnancy-risk and impregnation-resulting videos to be made. And make them she has. Since that first movie she has added a bunch of breeding-themed videos ranging from baby-begging to cuckoldry to impregnation dirty talk. Now Lelu Love can boast to having nearly two dozen such films, and more are being made regularly. Since she has built her site on the premise of making the fantasies of her users a reality, I think it is pretty easy to guess there have been a few impregnation-enthusiasts joining up and getting our adorable Lelu deeper into our most dangerous and risky fetish... Hehe.
Just a few notable and most recent examples of Lelu's developing talents as a pregnancy-risking superstar are shown below. The full videos can be seen on her site, along with a whole plethora of different fetish films ranging from the oddly sexy to the extremely hot! This list doesn't even include all the creampie movies she does besides, which has 3x as many at least:
Reverse Cowgirl Creampie Impregnation: A foxy Lelu calls her married neighbor for some hot riding action. Lying about being on birth control, she turns and tells him she's very fertile while his load oozes from her unprotected pussy.
Movie Night Cuckolding Creampie: Member Dave's wife Lelu is having a movie-night for his birthday, but the guest gets the special place of honor in his wife's pussy. The condom is off soon enough for her new lover to plant his seed deep inside her where it belongs. Happy birthday!
Planned Impregnation Dildo Masturbation: Lelu wants to be a hot little housewife as soon as she can, and the best way is to get her boyfriend to knock her up! Lots of baby-making dirty talk while playing with her large pink dildo. Definitely would inspire some babymaking here!
Spreading Impregnation Jerkoff Encouragement: Here a very wet and vulnerable Lelu pulls her legs back and begs her member Scott to fill her up with hot spunk. The ovulating temptress talks so dirty, wanting her cervix covered in sperm and wanting it nice and deep so she gets pregnant and have his babies inside of her.
And remember ladies and gentlemen, Lelu makes her movies on a daily basis, and continually talks with her members. She becomes quite the pal in no time in fact! So if you like her stuff, send her an email thanking her and encouraging her to keep on making these great films - or better yet, become a member and ask her very nicely to get knocked up on cam again and again!
Illustrated Interracial

I am a personal fan of the Western art style. Most breeding story comics I ever get to find are Hentai, and while they are great in their own right, the art in Illustrated Interracial is a wonderful change of pace - not to mention the storylines have an entirely different flavor to them as well. Each panel contains multiple pictures graphic-novel style, and each comic improves on Fobbs skills as an artist. There are typos in some of the dialog and sometimes a less-than-expected perspective for a character's posture, but I have found these to be small bumps on a busy highway towards extreme hotness! Furthermore, these stories are firmly in the Black Breeding genre, which means there are liberal racial themes, hard language, supremacy ideas, massive proportions, and cock-crazed women in abundance. In short, very far from political correctness. If you don't like stories like Ashley's Dark Awakening, the art of SweetBack, or EZ4BlkCock's literature on Literotica, then these stories will probably offend you. However for those who do enjoy the theme, they are right at the top of the genre and often prove to be the stuff you go back to again and again and again...
The site itself is run by a few interesting people. Fobbs is the artist who adapts existing stories or thinks up the plots himself, draws out the scenes, and colors them himself. If you are a fellow illustrator or comic-maker, you'd know how painstaking and difficult such a process is! Many artists delegate colorizing to others, but Fobbs currently does the whole creative process himself, for which he deserves big kudos. And the lovely Christy diligently posts the updates to his work on the forums and main page and does a fair bit of PR for the free forums and runs the whole site alongside him.
That is another feature of the site - whether you are a member or not, you are welcome to join the forums and discuss the site, interracial breeding, or share your own experiences and fantasies about interracial couplings to your heart's content. The forums do suffer from a persistent plague of spammers however, but one day such problems will be dealt with - in the meantime they are cleaned up by Christy's and Fobb's diligence. In fact, Fobbs watches and reads the forums on a very regular basis, and he has been known to get inspired by certain ideas presented there and turn them into comics just like that. As far as comic writers go, that is exceptional!
My custom ad for them, which I constructed from a plethora of their works showing off the sorts of delicious scenes and images that wait inside the world of Illustrated Interracial, is just the smallest taste of the now hundreds of panels of stories and images available thanks to the hard work of Fobbs and Christy. Some of the works in progress right now include titles such as:

Manza: The story of an African slave getting on the friendly side of his distressed and undersexed plantation mistress. Endowed despite his short stature, he ends up playing a dangerous game between following his mistresses lusty orders and hiding the taboo affair from his master's watchful eyes.

Prison Story: How one white wife tries to defend her helpless incarcerated husband by offering herself to Brute, his black cell mate, and slowly coming under the power of his black manhood as he replaces her husband day by day. This one definitely ranks as one of my favorites right now!
Five brand-new comics in production as of this posting, and I assure you that I haven't even gotten into the meat of what Illustrated Interracial has to offer. Even better news is that they are producing on a very regular basis (two panels every three or four days on average). So if you are into interracial breeding, make sure you check out Illustrated Interracial and join up if you like what you see!
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ReplyDeleteIllustrated Interracial currently has two such stories entitled "Black Bitch" and "The Caregiver". Both of them are fairly short and from the earlier collections I haven't mentioned yet, but good little stories in their own right.
ReplyDeleteAs for new ones, Fobbs is more than willing to make more 'Reverse Interracial' (though technically still interracial, it is opposite of the common black-on-white you see...) IF there is a large demand for it. I believe there is such a demand that exists, especially amongst my viewers here, so there is more incentive to get to his free Forum and post in the Artist section. I will personally back up anyone who posts for more of this kind of interracial comic (I have an idea called Breed Island currently that is just such a deal along with all sorts of combinations...) and speak with Fobbs himself on the matter. And of course when such a comic is made, I'll be sure to review it for all of you and convince you to sign up and check it out!